Imagine a street performer who uses hypnosis as part of the act...
Oh yeah? Well, MY friend knew a guy who was once in business with a guy who was in a movie with Kevin Bacon!
A partial list can be found on the "Services" page of
No, but they are enjoying using their imaginations in ways they probably haven't since they were children.
A radically different approach to hypnotism using rapport and an informal conversational approach to direct awareness.
Positive affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself in the hopes that they will transfer from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind. They can be related to self-esteem, changing a habit or eliminating negative self talk.
Normally, payment is made via my booking page at the time of booking...
Yes! Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that occurs in most people on a regular basis.
That's completely okay. We'd still love to meet with you.
"HypnoTex" is the A.I. (artificial intelligence) assistant that indexes the Hypnotechs site and offers quick answers to questions.