Do you offer a guarantee?

Since you do most of the work, I can't...

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What if the hypnotherapist makes a suggestion I don't like?

You can disregard it or ask for something different...

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Does everyone respond to hypnotherapy?

Anyone with even average intelligence and a bit of imagination can be hypnotized to one degree or another.

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Are you accepting new clients?

Yes! Almost always.

85% found this useful

What if I want to experience hypnosis, but don't need therapy?

That's completely okay. We'd still love to meet with you.

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Are there people who should not be hypnotized?

Yes, but not many.

100% found this useful

What should I look for in a hypnotherapist?

That answer takes up an entire page...

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What and when is "World Hypnotism Day"?

It's sort of a big deal in the industry, but maybe you have never heard of it?

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