Where did Rob get his education?

His Diploma in Hypnotherapy came from Hypnosis Motivation Institute, but he has certifications from many places.

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Altoids, what's with them? Why do you keep offering me one?

I always have Altoids and I like to offer them when I have one.

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What do you mean by "Presentations & Training"?

Hypnosis is a powerful tool that translates well to sales, motivation, and much, much, more...

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Can I adjust my position or scratch an itch while I am hypnotized?

Absolutely! Take your shoes off, stay awhile!

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Will I give away all my secrets?

No, if you don't like a question you will simply ignore it.

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What if I want the hypnosis to be over?

You can end it at any time. That is up to you, not me...

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Is there anything that you won't work on with a client?

Yes. I've got an open mind, but there are limits.

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