Where is Hypnotechs located?

Duvall, Wa. - 15315 1st Ave NE Suite 205A Duvall, WA 98019 to be exact.

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How can I reach/contact you?

Email is definitely the best bet. [email protected] is ideal.

How do I schedule or book a new session?

Just visit the Booking Page at: https://booking.hypnotechs.com

Do you do work with grief and loss?

I do. Grief and loss are intertwined with trauma and anxiety, all of which can be addressed with hypnosis.

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What and when is "World Hypnotism Day"?

It's sort of a big deal in the industry, but maybe you have never heard of it?

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Do you accept everyone as a new client?

Unfortunately no.

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Are there people who should not be hypnotized?

Yes, but not many.

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Will you teach me "Self-Hypnosis"?

Of course, I will!

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